A multitude of issues related to nitrates in water in southeast Minnesota have come to the forefront over the past few years. This has led to a reexamination of how nitrogen fertilizer and manure are managed in the region. University of Minnesota Extension will conduct a day long meeting in Rochester on March 13 for farmers and those involved in agriculture to discuss the current situation. Topics covered include: An update on the current regulatory and policy situation How nitrogen behaves in the environment and how it gets into water The dynamics of groundwater recharge in southeast Minnesota Best management practices for both commercial fertilizer and manure, based on local research On-farm nitrogen management research results in southeast Minnesota The day will conclude with a panel discussion of local farmers talking about how they manage nitrogen inputs on their farm. In addition to the presentations, several resource booths will be set up for one-on-one discussion regarding va...
Today we talk with four panelists throughout Minnesota about nutrient management and cover crops. What are some results of new research looking into incorporating covers into a nutrient management strategy? What are some of the specific rotations being measured, and why? What do farmers need to know about new manure management regulations and cover crops? How much of MN has incorporated covers? This and more on today's episode. TRANSCRIPT Guests: Lindsay Pease, Extension nutrient and water management specialist (Crookston) Melissa Wilson, Extension manure nutrient management specialist (St. Paul) Jeff Vetsch, U of M researcher (Waseca) Bailey Tangen, Extension educator (Farmington) Additional Resources: Land application of manure MPCA announces updated water permits now available to large feedlot operators Feedlot permits: What's new in 2025? Great Lakes Cover Crop Project — Click here to listen to all Nutrient Management Podcast episodes. For the latest nutrient management i...