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Showing posts from July, 2021

Field Notes: Midsummer crop fertility update: tissue testing and nitrogen needs

An all-new weekly crops program from the University of Minnesota Extension Crops Team Listen to a recording of our July 14, 2021 Field Notes webinar featuring Dr. Dan Kaiser, University of Minnesota Extension soil fertility specialist and Brad Carlson, University of Minnesota Extension educator - water resources, for a midsummer crop fertility checkup: tissue testing and nitrogen needs.  Listen to the episode This summer, many growers have experienced weather challenges due to below normal precipitation and warmer than average air temperatures. Our University of Minnesota Extension staff discuss the proper use of diagnostic tools such as crop tissue testing and nitrogen models to provide a checkup to crop growth and nutrient needs in Minnesota given the variable weather and soil moisture conditions. What is Field Notes? The Field Notes program is designed for farmers and agricultural professionals as a weekly webinar program addressing all your crop-related questions in real-time in a