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Strategic Farming: Let's talk crops focused non-chemical weed control

Phyllis Bongard, Extension content development and communications specialist, Tom Peters, Extension sugarbeet agronomist, Debalin Sarangi, Extension weed specialist, and Eric Yu, Extension educator-crops As herbicide resistance continues to expand and challenge producers, using an integrated approach will help maintain herbicide effectiveness. Dr. Tom Peters, Extension sugarbeet agronomist, Dr. Debalin Sarangi, Extension weed specialist, and Dr. Eric Yu, Extension educator-crops, joined moderator Ryan Miller, Extension educator-crops, to discuss emerging and familiar weed management strategies in the February 5, 2025, session of Strategic Farming: Let’s talk crops . View recordings of this and all Strategic Farming sessions at Setting the stage Status of waterhemp herbicide resistance Managing waterhemp is increasingly difficult as populations develop resistance to an expanded number of postemergence herbicides. How extensive is the issue?...
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Over-the-top dicamba products are not available for use in Minnesota in 2025

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Strategic Farming: Let's talk crops! session talked soybean modeling to help farmers make better decisions

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