Jared Goplen, Extension educator-crops and Debalin Sarangi, Extension weed specialist Palmer amaranth in a Tennessee field. Note the long terminal seedhead. As we approach harvest this year, be on the lookout for Palmer amaranth, September's Weed of the Month . Palmer amaranth is on Minnesota’s prohibited noxious weed and seed list with the intention to eradicate it before it becomes widely established in the state. Now is a good time of the year to scout for it, when mature Palmer amaranth plants are easier to distinguish from other closely-related pigweeds like waterhemp. Identification is key Palmer amaranth is closely related to other amaranth (pigweed) species and it can be challenging to differentiate between them during the early vegetative stages. When scouting for Palmer amaranth at this time of year, be on the lookout for pigweeds with these distinguishing characteristics: Look for long, terminal seedheads or pollen heads, up to 2-3 feet long, which are usually longer