Nathan Drewitz, Local Extension Educator - Crops, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties
Sampling starts when alfalfa is 14 - 16 inches tall and continues until the first cutting. Currently, we have cooperators in Sibley, Nicollet, Carver, McLeod, Wright, Stearns, Benton, Morrison, and Yellow Medicine counties. We have Wright and Carver counties reporting in with stands between 14 and 16 inches tall. Most of the remaining cooperators will begin sampling next Monday.
Alfalfa Harvest Report from May 16th and 18th:Alfalfa Harvest Report May 18th
You can also compare the different counties, and farms that have participated in the Alfalfa Harvest Alert Program since 1997. Go to to view that data. You can also get the most recent information through email by signing up at and looking for the "Hay Auction and Scissor Cut/Alfalfa Harvest Alert Information" box.
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