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Alfalfa Harvest Alert: May 23rd

Nathan Drewitz, Local Extension Educator - Crops, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties

Sample collection is taking place throughout most of the participating areas. Reported issues are currently
fitting into two categories, hail damage and winterkill.  With the progress made by the stands of our cooperators, these issues appear minor. There are also reports of alfalfa and cloverleaf weevils making appearances throughout stands in the program. Again these problems have remained minimal, and do not yet warrant control. With rumored first harvest dates starting as early as the middle of next week, I expect these problems will not cause much concern. Regardless, stands should continue to be monitored for potential stand and pest problems.

Alfalfa Harvest Alert for May 23rd:

This program aims to encourage growers to be strategic with alfalfa hay crop harvest. Farmers should make decisions based on their specific feed and market needs and field observations. We also have a tool that contains all of the data from every county and farm that has participated in the Alfalfa Harvest Alert Program since 1997. Go to to view that data. You can also get the most recent information through email by signing up at and clicking the "Hay Auction and Scissor Cut/Alfalfa Harvest Alert Information" box.

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