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Minnesota CropCast: Tom Hoverstad - What's new and what's changed during his career in weed research

This week’s University of Minnesota Extension Minnesota CropCast has as its guest Tom Hoverstad, Researcher at the Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, MN. Tom provided an update about this season’s weather and its effect so far on the growth of the area’s corn and soybean crops. In addition, Tom reviewed his major crop and weed research protocols at Waseca, herbicide options and what the future may hold in terms of new herbicide technologies. Finally, Tom provided an in-depth analysis about the significant changes in weed species and management over the last thirty years across southern Minnesota.

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What is Minnesota CropCast?

Hosts David Nicolai and Seth Naeve discuss the progress and challenges of Minnesota's agronomic crops in this new podcast. They are joined by a diversity of specialists representing all crops and agronomic disciplines to discuss their research and its impact on future Minnesota crops. Dave Nicolai is a crops Extension educator and Seth Naeve is the Extension soybean agronomist.

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