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MN CropCast: N research and Extension led by Dr. Fabian Fernandez

In this episode, CropCast hosts Dave Nicolai and Seth Naeve visits with Dr. Fabian Fernandez, Professor at the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate. Fabian is an Extension specialist in soil nutrient management with an emphasis in soil nitrogen. Fabian provides an overview of his background, education, and career. Fabian was born and raised in the Pampas region of Argentina. He earned his Ph.D. degree from Purdue University, and M.S. and B.S. degrees from Brigham Young University. The research and extension education programs of Dr. Fernández focus on soil nutrient management and plant mineral nutrition. His current work at the University of Minnesota concentrates primarily on economic and environmental effects of nutrient management in corn cropping systems. He seeks to identify and implement nitrogen management practices that are sustainable in terms of both minimizing negative environmental impacts, specifically on water quality, and improving crop yields.

In addition to highlighting his background and academic activities, Fabian visits with Dave and Seth during the podcast about various nitrogen management recommendations for corn growers in the fall of 2023 and the spring of 2024. Fabain reviews the best management recommendations regarding soil temperatures during fall applications, fertilizer product types, inhibitors and recommended nitrogen application rates based on economics, environments, and soil types.

Please join us for another lively Minnesota CropCast.

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During the podcast several important soil nutrient management links were mentioned that consider both environmental and economic concerns.  

What is Minnesota CropCast?

Hosts David Nicolai and Seth Naeve discuss the progress and challenges of Minnesota's agronomic crops in this new podcast. They are joined by a diversity of specialists representing all crops and agronomic disciplines to discuss their research and its impact on future Minnesota crops. Dave Nicolai is a crops Extension educator and Seth Naeve is the Extension soybean agronomist.

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