Dean Malvick, Extension plant pathologist
Soybean in flooded field. |
Root diseases
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Soybean plants killed by Rhizoctonia root rot. |
Specific seed treatments are effective for these two diseases. Resistant soybean varieties can also be effective for Phytophthora root and stem rot -although not all resistant varieties are effective in all fields. Scouting and accurate ID of problems now is important to understand which problems are occurring and where. Field visits can also reveal how well seed treatments and resistance genes have protected plants from disease and can help in planning for management tactics to be used in the future.
Soybean SDS and white mold
Wet soil and frequent rains in the early season can increase the risk of sudden death syndrome (SDS) and white mold of soybean. However, the weather in July and August will determine whether these diseases develop to high levels. SDS is favored by periodic rains and moist soil in the mid to late summer. White mold prefers cool and wet weather in early July to mid August when soybeans are flowering. If we return to very dry weather in early July – these two diseases are much less likely to result in yield loss. There is nothing to be done to manage SDS this growing season. White mold can be managed with application of selected foliar fungicides at the R2 or late R1 growth stages.Leaf diseases
Most of the significant leaf disease pathogens of corn and soybean in Minnesota overwinter on crop residue and can be favored by wet or humid weather. This includes northern leaf blight, Physoderma brown spot, and tar spot of corn; in soybean, this includes bacterial blight, frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, and Cercospora leaf blight. In fields with residue infested with the pathogens that cause these diseases, the continued wet soil may be enhancing pathogen growth as well as production and spread of spores that can start new infections. The extended periods of wetness on leaves of growing plants may promote infection of the leaves by the spores. This does not mean early season foliar fungicides are warranted, as applications at the R3 stage for soybean and VT- R1 stage for corn have generally been most cost effective for most leaf diseases. The corn disease crazy top is especially favored by flooding, but fortunately this rarely occurs in Minnesota.The wet weather may be setting up significant disease problems in some fields – especially if the weather favors those diseases in July and August. Most fields will likely not have major problems- but most is not all and that is concerning.
Disease diagnostic resources, photos, and additional information
Digital Crop Doc Disease Clinic
Soybean diseases and insect pests
Soybean diseases (Soybean Research and Information Network)
Crop Protection Network
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