Angie Peltier, UMN Extension crops educator and Anthony Hanson, UMN Extension IPM educator Crop scouts are out and about in western Minnesota soybean fields this summer scouting for pests and disease symptoms through a Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council sponsored scouting program. Last week’s field visits have provided indications about what pests and diseases are becoming more prevalent in western Minnesota soybean fields. As planting dates and soybean varieties varied throughout the state, what was observed in scouted fields may differ significantly from what is ailing the plants in your own fields. There is no substitute for scouting your own soybean fields. Joint maps from University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University scouts can be viewed here from previous weeks and into August for soybean and wheat pests. Soybean aphid Figure 1. Low-level soybean aphid infestation on a single leaf. Photo: Robert Koch and Bruce Potter, UMN. The percentage of plan...