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Join us for the final Strategic Farming: Field Notes season wrap-up on August 21

Liz Stahl, Extension educator-crops

The 2024 cropping season has thrown us a few curve balls! Join the U of MN Extension Strategic Farming: Field Notes session, “Takeaways from the cropping season and looking to harvest,” on August 21, from 8:00 to 8:30 am. Dr. Jeff Coulter, Extension Corn Agronomist, and Dr. Seth Neave, Extension Soybean Agronomist, will join moderator Dave Nicolai, Extension Educator - Crops, for a review of the season, an evaluation of where we are, and a discussion on what we should prepare for as the 2024 harvest season draws near. Participants will have the opportunity to have their questions addressed live during the program.

For more details and to register, go to There is no charge to participate, thanks to generous sponsorship from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council and the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council. Note if you have attended any Strategic Farming: Field Notes sessions in 2024, you do not need to register again to join live.

If you missed any Strategic Farming: Field Notes sessions this season, no problem! Podcast recordings are available at: All webinar recordings of the Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops program from earlier this year are also available at

We hope you will take this opportunity to join U of MN Extension for our wrap-up of another great, informative, and useful Strategic Farming: Field Notes season!
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