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Some private pesticide applicator recertification options for 2025 end soon

By Tana Haugen-Brown, Extension Educator and Private Pesticide Applicator Program Manager, PSEE

pesticide applicator in tractor spraying pesticide
Pesticide application. Photo source: StoryBlocks 
Private pesticide applicators who need to renew a certification that ends on March 1, 2025, have to do so by the end of February to keep their certification from expiring.

It’s not too late to register for a 2025 recertification workshop! In-person and Zoom recertification workshops end on February 28. Not sure if you need to recertify in 2025? Check the front of your applicator card or look up your license at the MDA’s website here.

Advance registration is still available for the Sauk Centre, Jackson, Belle Plaine, Arlington, Braham, Lamberton, Worthington, Olivia, Foley, and Farmington, as well as two Zoom recertification workshop options. Remember, advance registration closes three days before a workshop, so sign up now!

Walk-in registration is also welcome at all in-person recertification workshops. Be sure to have a photo ID, your applicator card, and a $100 check payable to the University of Minnesota with you to register at the workshop. Visit our website at for more information on all remaining workshops and their locations.

Not able to make it to a recertification workshop in 2025? You can still recertify though the mail-in or online exam. Mail-in exam packets can be picked up at your local county Extension office or you can access the online exam here.

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