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Phosphorus fertilizer guidelines: Four Midwest experts talk profit, yield, soil tests & more

terragator spreading fertilizer

In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, we’re talking about phosphorus fertilizer guidelines in Minnesota and throughout the Midwest. What are current state guidelines throughout the region, and are they satisfactory? Should farmers forgo taking a soil test to measure P levels, or should the test be prioritized? Might state phosphorus guidelines need to be revised, and if so, in what ways? What guidance or advice pertaining to phosphorus guidelines would our panel tell growers?



  • Daniel Kaiser, Extension nutrient management specialist (St. Paul)
  • Antonio P. Mallarino, Professor emeritus, nutrient management, Iowa State University (Ames, IA)
  • John Jones, Soil Fertility, plant nutrition, and nutrient management research, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, (Urbana-Champaign, Il)
  • Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, KSU Professor, Soil fertility and nutrient management, Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS)

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Support for the Nutrient Management Podcast is provided by Minnesota's fertilizer tonnage fee through the Agricultural Fertilizer Research & Education Council (AFREC). Learn more at

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