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Showing posts from May, 2022

Field Notes addressed delayed planting concerns

 Phyllis Bongard, Educational content development and communications specialist The cool, wet spring has led to significant planting delays in several parts of the state. Others are dealing with flooding after planting. How are management decisions impacted by these situations? Extension agronomists Jeff Coulter, Jochum Wiersma and Seth Naeve joined moderators Anthony Hanson and Dave Nicolai, Extension crops educators, for the May 25th Field Notes session to help sort through the issues. Small grains In the central and northern parts of the state, planting has been significantly delayed due to wet conditions. According to Wiersma, producers are switching between crops and picking off fields as they can get them planted. The question he gets most frequently is whether growers should still plant wheat or oats. High commodity prices and crop insurance planting deadlines make the question a tricky one to navigate. The spring wheat planting deadlines for full coverage are May 15, May 31...

Things to consider for a successful postemergence herbicide application

Liz Stahl Extension educator - crops, Phyllis Bongard, Educational content development & communications specialist, Ryan Miller and Dave Nicolai, Extension educators - crops, and Debalin Sarangi, Extension weed specialist Waterhemp is an early-emerging weed . Consult the interactive weed seedling quiz at the end of this article for comparisons of seedling identification characteristics of waterhemp, redroot pigweed and other weed seedlings. Photo: Dr. Tom Peters Recent warmer temperatures and adequate moisture have set the stage for rapid weed growth in the coming weeks. Timely and effective herbicide applications will carry much of the weight in most weed management programs, since very few weeds were present at the time of pre-plant tillage this year due to the cold late spring. Scout fields now for weed emergence, regardless if a preemergence (PRE) herbicide was applied or not. In much of southern Minnesota, delayed planting along with variable precipitation may h...

Prevent plant: Considerations for corn and soybean

By Liz Stahl, Extension Educator – Crops, and Phyllis Bongard, Content Development and Communications Specialist Prevent plant field in 2019. Photo: Liz Stahl, UMN Extension Farmers across parts of Minnesota have been dealing with excessively wet or persistently wet conditions that continue to delay crop planting. As wet conditions persist and final planting dates for crop insurance in Minnesota for corn (May 31 across southern Minnesota and May 25 across northern Minnesota) and soybean (June 10) approach, farmers are faced with the decision of whether or not to plant some of their crop / take prevent plant, plant their planned crop late, or switch to a different crop. There are many factors to consider when making these decisions and each farmer will need to evaluate what options fit best with their operation and situation. The following is a discussion of some key considerations to assist farmers in making Prevent Plant decisions: Crop insurance, prevent plant, and financial reso...

How does integrating cover crops and liquid-injected manure impact corn yield and cover crop biomass?

By: Manuel Sabbagh, graduate research assistant, & Melissa Wilson, Extension manure management specialist Key Points Interseeding cover crops produces greater biomass than drilling cover crops after harvest. In rotations where corn follows corn (sweet corn or silage), late fall application of manure (when soils are below 50°F but prior to freezing) sustains or improves yield compared to spring-applied fertilizer. What we did The objectives of this study were multi-faceted. First, we wanted to explore various cover crop planting methods and planting times in order to have consistency in cover crop establishment and keep the soil covered year-round. Second, we wanted to see if cover crops can retain nutrients from fall-applied liquid-injected manure, even if the manure was injected a little earlier in the fall than we usually recommend. (Typically, we recommend injecting manure when soil temperatures cool down to 50°F or below.) Lastly, we wanted to measure the effects that integrat...

Alfalfa Harvest Alert: May 27th

Nathan Drewitz, Local Extension Educator - Crops, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties Buds are starting to form at the top of alfalfa canopies which means we are close to first cutting. While stands are shorter this year than usual, consider the tradeoffs with quality as we get into next week. For more information on managing the risks of first cutting check out this recent post here . Alfalfa Harvest Alert for May 27th: Alfalfa Harvest Alert May 27th This program aims to encourage growers to be strategic with alfalfa hay crop harvest. Farmers should make decisions based on their specific feed and market needs and field observations. We also have a tool that contains all of the data from every county and farm that has participated in the Alfalfa Harvest Alert Program since 1997. Go to  to view that data. You can also get the most recent information through email by signing up at  and clicking the "Hay Aucti...

Strategic Farming: Field Notes discusses early season weed control

By Angie Peltier, UMN Extension crops educator, and Phyllis Bongard, UMN Extension educational content development and communications specialist Early season weed flush. Photo: Tom Peters On May 18, 2022, Dr. Debalin Sarangi, UMN Extension weeds specialist, joined UMN Extension educators Ryan Miller, Dave Nicolai and Jared Goplen for a discussion of how best to employ early-season weed management tactics for season-long weed management success. This was the second episode of the 2022 Strategic Farming: Field Notes program in this series. To listen to a recording of this episode subscribe to Strategic Farming: Field Notes on your favorite podcasting platform or visit this website: . Pre-emergence herbicides provide value Pre-emergence herbicides (PRE) are applied to the soil after planting, but before crop emergence. PREs need to be dissolved in soil water - ‘activate’ - before weed seeds can take them up as they imbibe water. PRE’s target weed ...

Alfalfa Harvest Alert: May 23rd

Nathan Drewitz, Local Extension Educator - Crops, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties Sample collection is taking place throughout most of the participating areas. Reported issues are currently fitting into two categories, hail damage and winterkill.  With the progress made by the stands of our cooperators, these issues appear minor. There are also reports of alfalfa and cloverleaf weevils making appearances throughout stands in the program. Again these problems have remained minimal, and do not yet warrant control. With rumored first harvest dates starting as early as the middle of next week, I expect these problems will not cause much concern. Regardless, stands should continue to be monitored for potential stand and pest problems. Alfalfa Harvest Alert for May 23rd: Alfalfa Harvest Report May 23rd This program aims to encourage growers to be strategic with alfalfa hay crop harvest. Farmers should make decisions based on their specific feed and market needs and field observat...

It’s time to include cutworms in your crop scouting efforts

Bruce Potter, IPM specialist Black cutworm damage to a young corn plant. Photo: W.M. Hantsbarger, To this point in 2022, migratory flights of black cutworm moths into Minnesota have been relatively light. However, from April 29 to May 1, significant captures (eight or more moths/two nights) were detected in six counties. These captures followed weather systems and rainfall patterns through the SW part of Minnesota (Table 1). It is important to include cutworms in your scouting efforts as you are evaluating crop and weed emergence. Continued delayed planting in some areas continues to prolong the risk for late-arriving moths. Leaf feeding on emerged corn or weeds will be visible for the next week or so. By the last few days of May and early June, larvae will be large enough to cut off small corn plants (Table 1). Corn cut above the growing point will recover. The concern is the black cutworm’s tendency to cut plants below the soil surface and growing point. Unlike corn,...

Alfalfa Harvest Alert: May 18th

Nathan Drewitz, Local Extension Educator - Crops, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties The Alfalfa Harvest Alert Program is now underway. This project aims to provide timely alerts on the current conditions of alfalfa throughout the participating areas and help identify the current quality and yield potential of those stands. Farmers should make decisions on their own farms based on their specific feed and market needs and field observations. Sampling starts when alfalfa is 14 - 16 inches tall and continues until the first cutting. Currently, we have cooperators in Sibley, Nicollet, Carver, McLeod, Wright, Stearns, Benton, Morrison, and Yellow Medicine counties. We have Wright and Carver counties reporting in with stands between 14 and 16 inches tall. Most of the remaining cooperators will begin sampling next Monday. Alfalfa Harvest Report from May 16th and 18th: Alfalfa Harvest Report May 18th You can also compare the different counties, and farms that have participated in the Alfal...

Field Notes discussed cool, wet spring and forecast's impact on crop and pest development

By Angie Peltier, UMN Extension crops educator Photo: Liz Stahl, UMN Extension Some Minnesotans are experiencing a bit of ‘weather whiplash’ as some areas that experienced a historically severe drought in 2021 are currently experiencing very wet weather. In addition to delaying spring planting, the weather also impacts when crop pests will emerge or arrive.  On May 11, 2022, Dr. Dennis Todey, Director of the USDA Midwest Climate Hub, Bruce Potter, University of Minnesota Extension IPM specialist, Drs. Jeff Coulter, UMN Extension corn agronomist and Seth Naeve, UMN Extension soybean agronomist, joined UMN Extension educators David Nicolai, Anthony Hanson and Jared Goplen for a wide-ranging discussion of how the wet 2022 spring weather and forecast for the rest of the growing season will affect spring field operations, summer crop growth and development and the arrival and emergence of crop pests. This was the first episode of the 2022 Strategic Farming: Field Notes program in this s...

Crop production after heavy rain and field flooding

Anthony Hanson, Extension educator - IPM; Jeff Coulter, Extension corn agronomist; Seth Naeve, Extension soybean agronomist; Dean Malvick, Extension crop pathologist Heavy flooding and ponding in central MN meadows and fields. Photo: Adam Austing near Howard Lake, Wright County. A large swath of central Minnesota saw 4 to 7 inches of rain between May 7-14, with some locations reporting over 8 inches. This resulted in heavily flooded fields with standing water, even on sandy soils, or heavy runoff on hillsides. This all occurred only recently after conditions were finally fit for planting, especially for corn. This has left many growers asking how long recently planted seeds can survive underwater or in heavily saturated soil, and if there is any action they should be taking now, especially if soil crusting is a concern. Flooding Whether a seed or seedling survives flooding is based on the length of time that flooding lasts and the soil temperature. Warmer temperatures increase plant re...

Dealing with planting delays

 Liz Stahl, Extension educator - crops On top of a cold, wet start to the season, recent rains have led to further planting delays across SW MN and other areas of the state. If conditions are keeping you from wrapping up planting, the following are some points to consider: Projected yield impacts Both corn and soybean hold their yield potential pretty well when planted up until mid-May, especially when the season starts out as cool as it has in 2022. After this point, however, decreases in yield potential become more significant. If planting is delayed until May 20, long-term U of MN research shows yield potential in corn can be expected to range from 92 to 95% of maximum, and around 94% of maximum in soybean. If planting is delayed until May 25, yield potential for corn drops to around 87 to 92% of maximum, and to 91% of maximum for soybean. If planting is delayed until May 30, yield potential for corn drops to 82 to 89% of maximum, and to 87% of maximum for soybean. I...

Crusting and Emergence Problems

Last week’s heavy rains have caused widespread crusting problems.  Dr. David Franzen, NDSU Extension Soil Scientist, summarized the options available to you in an article more than a decade ago.  It has been reprinted here as a refresher.   Crusting results from rains breaking down soil aggregates into particles that cement into hard layers at the soil surface when drying occurs rapidly. In soils that have not been seeded, the crust prevents further soil drying by sealing off the underlying soil from the air. The crust also reflects sunlight, in effect insulating the soil and maintaining cooler soil temperatures that further slow drying. Crusts in unseeded fields can be broken by working the fields very shallow, no deeper than the depth of the crust, with such tools as a rotary hoe, a field cultivator with narrow shovels or spikes, or a rigid harrow.  Breaking the crust will help dry the field more quickly and warm the soil. Some compaction will result from th...

Fertilizing Winter Wheat and Winter Rye: Sooner Rather Than Later

Currently, the general recommendation for winter wheat and winter rye is to apply the majority of the nitrogen fertilizer early in the spring. Residual nitrogen and starter fertilizer provide adequate nitrogen to allow the crops to grow and tiller in the fall and the early spring timing reduces the risk of leaching and demineralization, thereby increasing overall nitrogen use efficiency, and creating flexibility should the winter wheat completely winterkill.   Ideally, we like you to apply the balance of the nitrogen as soon as the crop breaks dormancy and resumes growth. Winter wheat, like spring wheat, has the greatest need and uptake of nitrogen between jointing and heading. Winter wheat will take up nearly 3/4 of the total amount of nitrogen it will use in a season in that period.   This spring has been cold and wet. Consequently, you may have been holding off, waiting for drier conditions.  Unfortunately, time is not on your side, and the application n...

Managing risk at the first alfalfa harvest

Craig Sheaffer, Extension forage specialist,  Nathan Drewitz and Jared Goplen, Extension educators Alfalfa harvest is risky business! Within a growing season, 3 or 4 harvests are usually taken, but the first harvest has the greatest opportunity for profit or loss. The first alfalfa crop is the biggest of the year comprising about 40% of the total season dry matter production. The forage quality potential is the also the highest, but declines most rapidly with maturity. We propose use of seasonal harvest schedules that vary the timing/maturity of each cutting to achieve, yield, quality, and stand persistence goals. Here are some factors to consider. Spring weather A delayed first harvest  Low air temperatures and cloudiness in April and early May this year have delayed alfalfa growth; temperature patterns in late May will affect growth prior to typical first harvest times in Minnesota. We will need significantly warmer temperatures for the remainder of May to achieve adequat...